3.1 Design Brief and Specification: Self Heating Gloves.

In this assignment, the analysation of these self heating gloves is going to be the topic.

As many winter sports enthusiasts may find themselves out in the cold for long periods, designers of ‘interactive wear’ felt there was a niche market for a self heating glove that would keep people’s hands warm for a long time.Image result for self heating gloves

Before making the product, what type of fabrics are going to be used? Is a hot water bottle going to be used? Is it going to burn the hands? What temperature will have to be set? Is it going to harm the veins in the hand, or the skin? There are many who suffer from Raynaud’s disease, having products that will help circulation in their hands is groundbreaking. In testing, positive results were reported by people who had used these new products, after 10 minutes. In the name of research, the right material and metal, or, other matter (to provide heat) need to be researched, so no accidents occur.

Image result for self heating gloves

When the product was made, highly specialised conductors have been attached inside the fabric and efficient lightweight lithium ion batteries supply for heat. These batteries can be distributed on or in the garment to provide heat for a couple of hours.  The gloves are touchscreen compatible, so the phone can  always be used.

The heating fleece reflects the radiation from the body in order to raise and maintain your natural body temperature. The polymer metal coated fibers create a great circulation of warmth.

In conclusion, these gloves are a really good aid to consumers with poor circulation. However, the gloves may not be suitable for every consumer, as every customer has a different demand.


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